Friday, February 5, 2010

Fair Lady helps Haiti

This Fair little lady is off to a new home today! Let me tell you a little about her. She and her ring box were purchased while I attended Silver Bella 2008, and at Second Chance antiques, a quaint little store on the bricklined streets of Omaha. As chance would have it, although she came home to Bloomington Indiana, her whereabouts remained a mystery for nearly a year! It wasn't until I purchased her lovely pink tuille skirt (vintage trim) while attending Silver Bella 2009 at Jenni Bowlin's booth that she came out of hiding! She was just waiting on the right outfit~eh? Still, I didnt' feel the need to assemble her little cuteness just yet~ not until a blog post by Rebecca Sower. Haitian Women were the call. Please check out the Etsy site she has set up to help here and here. More and more, we are learning of the truth that although Haiti is out of the media, they are just as desperate as ever. Rebecca supports a specific mission there, you can read more about it on the above blogs. If you haven't helped yet, give it a try and if you have, like me~ let's not give up trying~ not yet! By the way, the Fair little lady is off to a new dear home in South Carolina! Thankyou Diane for your purchase!


Hope said...

That is one of the nicest gestures. She is beautiful! I am proud of you for participating.

Sue@MyArtsDesire said...

I have soooo enjoyed reading through many of your posts! I'll be back! What a sweet fragrance you leave all over the written page! LOVE your journaling pages on Flickr...the previous post is just awesome. Such a wonderful message. I had to laugh when I saw your Fair Lady as I looked at her several times when she was still "homeless" in the Etsy shop!

Katie Jo (yer daughter) said...

Yay for you Momma! Pretty little thing and thats great you are helping out. Proud of my ma! :)

Kristin said...

Oh my it is good to hear from you. I have had a hard time blogging too. Just working so much and not any time. I pray you are doing well and that life is just blessed for you. Email me please and say hi if you can.