Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Shine on

A couple of weeks ago, after a beautiful snowfall began to melt I was driving along and noticed this. Just dirty snow on the side of the road. Then the potholes full of dirty water. It felt yucky, dirty and certainly not pretty at all. But this day, the sun was out and the sky was a beautiful bright shade of blue. All of a sudden it hit me~ I saw it! That beautiful blue was being reflected in those dirty water potholes! It was stunning. I was reminded that God's glory knows no boundaries, and His beauty in all creation is visible even in the dirtiest, yuckiest places. We are getting a fresh snowfall today and it feels good:) I'm sure there will be more dirt to follow, but I know either way His glory shines!


PCovi said...

Yes! And how He uses sinners for his glory.

Unknown said...

You inspire me with how you notice God's hand in all the tiny details of everyday life....

Hope said...

You never cease to amaze me in the way you find & seek beauty....in everyday life.