Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stitching for Sanity.

This is called the "Whipped Back Stitch" according to this helpful site here , and was shared, oh so kindly by Pam Garrison one day this Summer. Of course the other champion stitchers I admire are Rebecca Sower and of course Charlotte Lyons . They really are my favorite all around artists anyway you slice it! Bet they would agree that stitching is therapy:)
I was rushing around this last half of Summer and seemed to have lost my creative edge. Getting a little put out with it all, I just picked up some threads, scissors, and unstretched canvas that I am drawn to these days~ and threw them in a bag. Therapy on the go, if you will! This week, I have stitched on the couch, at the table, on the steps, in the church parking lot, in the car at the thrift store, and in the funeral home parking lot so far. It has helped my outlook so much! That and a good talk with a cherished friend. Now I feel the creativity coming back..............but life isn't slowing down for it!
We really need to find time for our creativity, no matter what it is, no matter where to fuel us don't we? This is my passion. To create art time and space that is infused with who I am as much as I breathe. Same as God and Family are to me now, Yes, ART you are next!! Lucky me! I wish you much of that same infusion of creativity into your life my friends! Let me know how you are doing with that, ok? It's good to hear from you.


natalie said...

Cherie, I just pulled out my embroidery basket today... thinking of taking it to chemo tomorrow, to make some little "bits" for necklaces!!

Linnie Blooms Shop said...

Oh, how I have missed stitching this summer! I whole-heartedly agree with you! With the heatwave going on here right now, I have my whole weekend planned in my craft room:)

Jessi Nagy said...

hey cute girl
just popping inn to say hi!!!
hope you are having a great summer.

Lisa said...

I absolutely agree with you 100%! I embroider for 30 minutes every morning right after I eat breakfast and do my Bible reading. I actually set my timer and DO IT! Yes, I have 7 kids still at home who need my attention all day, but they get a much more sane mother when I stitch before they wake up!!