Thursday, October 22, 2009


We are told in Proverbs 18 that our tongues have the power of life and death. A lesson that hit home this week with my 7th grader. Even though she was the victim, so to speak, the one who hurt her, actually hurt themselves .......You see, Proverbs goes on to say "that those who love it will eat it's fruit." No one wins or gains ever, with ill words. What we also learned is that our reaction to those words counts bigtime. It is our Witness. It is life and godliness itself! The good fruit. A good lesson for the whole family this week. I am so very proud of my 7th grade girl! We taught her some, She taught us some, and the Good Lord taught us all. Blessings to you my friends,and all your sweet valuable words!

1 comment:

Stephanie O. said...

Good for Anna....Words are amazingly powerful. A lesson for all of us to remember....