Friday, September 25, 2009

Still marching

If you know me at all , you know I just had to make that last post into a journal page~Ha!!
Get these words from my daily devotional today, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young........ (Jesus speaking) Each of my children is a unique blend of temperment, giftedness, and life experiences. something that is a babystep for you may be a giant step for another person and vice versa. Only I know the difficulty or ease of your journey. Beware of trying to impress others by acting as if your giant steps are only baby ones. Don't judge others who would tremble in fear with something that would be easy for you, either. Whatever your marching orders today, I so hope you are aware of whatever it is, big or small you are purposed for it and He will work in it! Weekend blessings to you!!

1 comment:

Stephanie O. said...

"Only I know the difficulty or ease of your journey..." This is really resonating with me. Thanks for sharing this, Cherie....

P.S. Not too much longer until your Michigan trip! I want to get together when you get back for a long breakfast and you tell me all about the experience...