Saturday, September 12, 2009

Adventure to the middle of nowhere today

Anjie found this quaint little place for lunch that we ladies traveled to after the apple orchard yesterday. I was really touched by the charm of the old house, the inviting outdoor dining, the lovely little herb gardens and pretties everywhere............


RosieCaro said...

Wow, I saw this cute little place and thought it is some where far away, and than was intrigued by your dog, thought I might get to see a photo and clicked on your profile, you are in Bloomington! I am in Indy. Any more info about the lunchy place?

icandy... said...

What an enchanting spot for lunch!!! It looks like you all had such a great day together! Happy weekend!

Hope Ellington said...

I want to go...I live in the middle of nowhere! said...

What a pretty place!

Kristin said...

Well Cherie that just looks like a lovely place. I hope your day was wonderful today. Smiles and blessings to you my blog friend.

xo in Christ,