Sunday, August 23, 2009

A sweet day

Found these fun vintage prom dresses yesterday! Driving in the country to our apple orchard destination, took the long road home and saw these swaying in the breeze outside a flea market stand in what locals call "Bean Blossom". Of course I squealed and the sweet and smart guy that my Mike is, stopped. Anna and I were magnatized to them. A pinkish one for Anna and a lilac one for $10 each how could we walk away?? What will we do with them? Well, for now, gazing at their girliness is enough. I'm sure we will think of something. Let me know if you think of anything!! Trueman liked them for hiding between as you can see. Have a sweet start to your week, looking for treasures along the way no matter what form they come to you in! Feel the hug! XO

1 comment:

Hope Ellington said...

Oh how fun it is! Lincoln's locker buddy Anna looks totally adorable. Trueman looks especially sweet too. Sounds like you had a wonderfully great day...Mike is a sweetie!