Friday, February 28, 2014

The Stone Collective is a community making much of Jesus as we create art, photography, prose, poems or music that commemorate the wonderful things God does in our life.
Based on the passage in 1 Samuel 7:12-14, each month we will collect Ebenezer Stones as a regularly practice in the art of worship via our creativity.
Want to join in on The Stone Collective? Create your own Stone and link up to
 LIVE IT OUT! Blog. #TheStoneCollective

It's Cherie here........... Posting for the Stone Collective! I love Art Journaling~  Heart Art I call it. My friend Dr Susan Pauly and I are teaching it at  the local Crisis Pregnancy Center today. That word Crisis,  stands out to me.  How many times have I been in CRISIS? More importantly how many times have I been SAVED, HEALED, DELIVERED and more from CRISIS?!
When I was asked to be a part of Sarah"s Stone Collective (link above) I knew that Remembering would be good.  So I will be sharing, along with many other talented ladies,  Remembrance stones near the end of each month and I hope you will be inspired to remember as well.  If you are in Crisis right now, HE IS ABLE. I hope you enjoy this first Art Heart page below. I recently made this layered book cover, and pondered Habakkuk 3:19.  It's scribbled on a page and posted to my Studio door.  He makes me strong! He showed me art.......... and he is making me stronger ever increasingly. Even if I don't feel it today. Even if I am in Crisis. He is constantly making the path before me straightened.  As I go, I am strengthened! You too, friends!  







Sarah Martin said...

THis is absolutely beautiful. Ahh!!! I'm swooning. Love your Art Heart!

Jodene Shaw said...

Yes. Even if. I love this.

Amy Smith said...

Love this!