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And to celebrate, leave a comment below to sign up to receive my own stocking project featured in Inspired Ideas Christmas 2012. In your comment, please share your favorite memory of your own Christmas stocking!
I will randomly select the winner Saturday, Dec 1st.
Sending you Joy and a Blessed Christmas season!!
Oh my Santa stocking! These remind me of my childhood! Such a sweet stocking I am going to order my magazine now, I can't beleive they can be made! Thanks so much for the chance to win. Happy Holidays Grace
Oh Cherie....I'm so proud of you for being a part of Amy's ezine again!! Your project is adorable!!! I just love it. I so hope that you can come to the Open House on Saturday....it's from 9:00-3:00! My favorite memories of our stockings were that we always reversed oldest to youngest opening them up...so some years I got to go first but some years I had to go last!!
These stockings are adorable! Such a flashback! My memory is, that if we woke up before our parents on Christmas morning, the only thing we could open was our stockings until they got up.
This reminds me of the stocking of my childhood. I had a red felt one that had a plastic molded Elf's head on it. It was very 1950's (I was born in '71) and I have NO idea where my grandparents got it from. I still have it and it's in great condition.
Stockings in our house were opened while everyone was either still sleeping or the adults were making coffee before we sat down to open gifts. It was the one thing we were allowed to open while we waited for everyone to gather. There were always nuts and a Japanese orange in the toe. I carried on this tradition with my son. He's grown now.
I love your stockings soooo much! I remember receiving these at Christmas when I was a child. They were filled with candy and small toys.
Thank-You for bringing back such sweet memories!
So much fun nostalgia -- I think I love Christmas even more as a mom than I did as a child because I get the double benefit of reliving my own childhood memories through my kids while creating new ones with them! I always loved finding chocolate coins down at the very bottom of my stocking and one year my mom made a tiny little porcelain doll with a ruffled dress that she stayed up half of Christmas Eve sewing to hide in there for me -- I still have her and cherish her! I've tried to continue the tradition with my own daughter and add chocolate coins and a tiny doll in their stockings each year!
I do love this stocking! Growing up in the 50's... it is ESPECIALLY nostalgic for me. I always ONLY got M&M's and fruit and walnuts in it.... being a child of depression era parents! The M&Ms were a major treat! ha!
Such a cute idea!!! I remember stocking like these from my childhood!
We didn't have a lot of presents at Christmas but we always had these net stocking. There were hard candies and little trinkets. My favorites were the blingy bling rings.
Thank you for the wonderful memory.
My aunt knitted my Christmas stocking 60 years ago. This started a family tradition that continued on with my mom using the same pattern to knit my husband a sock after our wedding. She then knitted stockings for our two children. When our daughter got married two years ago-yep-you guessed it. She knitted our son-in-love his own sock. We hang them up every year.
I purchased my copy as I always do! Some of my projects have even been included in past issues! I'd love to make your mesh stocking, but I'd love even MORE to win one that YOU've made!
My favorite stocking memories are simple: We'd each put up one of our own socks (there were nine of us children) and then IF WE WERE LUCKY....in the morning they MIGHT be an orange and a penny.
Good times hoping for those two items!!!!
Hugs, Heidi
The favorite thing about my stocking is that it was packed full and stuffed to the toe. I received an assortment of fun and useful but also fun items.
My stocking always had a package of beef jerkey and a book or magazine to read (among other nifty items!) We're never too old for a stocking, are we? Thanks for sharing this creative idea.
This idea takes me back! I loved my stocking as a kid, as it always had a book or magazine to read, among other nifty items like lip gloss and packs of gum! Thanks for sharing your creativity! Happy Holidays!
Cherie you are so clever! I can remember those stockings growing up because they use to give them away every Christmas at the Christmas Party at our church..........
My mom was and still is a wonderful seamstress. She made our stockings out of Felt! I am sure she still has them somewhere packed away and I have not seen them in years.......because there was 4 kids in our family, stockings were just hung and not really full of what kids get now in their stockings.........Thank you for this childhood memory and Merry Christmas!
How sweet and what a nostalgia moment. I always loved the stockings because of all the small treasures inside.
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