Thursday, September 15, 2011

surround yourself

So many good things to surround yourself with this coming weekend.........some friends going to Creative Connection and some going to Handmade U
and where I will be with friends this weekend with Lysa Terkherst

and all these remind me of the beauty and purpose of surrounding ourselves, "cultivating ourselves" as Anna Corba once said to me........ with those people around us who take us to a higher place. Who make us better artists, women...mother's wives and yes, friends!

I count you one! Sending you love! XO


Whosyergurl said...

I surround myself with woment that inspire me...and I count you as one!
I surround myself with women that I want to be like.
xo, Cheryl

Maija said...

Have so much fun with girlfriends!!!!

Rebecca said...

I count you one as well! Love seeing all the creativity coming from you lately. sending love...