Saturday, January 8, 2011


Hope your weekend finds you holding tight to this image.......LOVE. Whether in Joy or Pain, it is really all we have when all is said and done. When we are at the end of our rope like a few of us this week. When your friend's daughter child has scary, scary surgery, when your friend's son is on life support suddenly, tragically..............When your heart just breaks for those that are near and dear to you. When you are just scared it might be you next too. Love so much. Love is enough. Much for a heart to hold. Making lots of "Love" things around here. Right on time...........will share more. Many more are making and sharing Love out there..........Can't wait to see yours! Bring it on:) Love you, dear friend.


Unknown said...

Thinking of you today!

paperbird said...

A heartfelt post- I hope all is well.

love the art!