Sunday, August 29, 2010

To all the One Girls!

This weekend's conference was everything that we had worked and prayed for and more! Thankyou to everyone who made a difference in a young girls life this weekend. 156 Girls, I think at last count! Praise God for willing hearts and hands to take a step toward these girls and helping to empower them to be the leaders they were designed to be.
I have to share for those of you who don't know, this is a book That started as 2 friends scratched on a napkin at a coffee shop. After Kim and Claudia's book was published by Standard a year or so ago, i I had the pleasure of introducing another friend Stephanie to them who had dreamed of a girls conference for a long, long time. So very fun to see this all come to fruit. Thrilled to be a part of the class and conference for the first annual One Girl retreat!
You can check out a little of Claudia and Kim's book here. And the One girl retreat website here. And oh!~ please check out generous Hope's One Girl bauble above. She was so generous to have provided that and wouldn't just stop at one for guess what?! I have one to give away! Please respond to this post in the comment section and I will put your name in a drawing to win Hope's necklace bauble. I will end the drawing Next Saturday and let you know. So glad you stopped by! Scroll down for many more pictures girls!! Thankyou to all you who supported One girl in one way or another from Monetarily to well wishing texts! XOXOXOXO


Linnie Blooms Shop said...

How AWESOME! Now I have to get the book! I was a Girl Scout Leader, trainer and day camp director for many years. Inspiring girls to be all they can be is truly a passion of mine. I would love to host a similar event! Thanks for the great inspiration:D

Hope Ellington said...

I was thrilled to be such a small part of something so big....GOD is wonderful that way.
Blessings & so proud of you Cherie!

Unknown said...

Love seeing all your photos from the retreat....Everytime (which was a lot!) I drove by the church on Friday and Saturday I thought about you...

SewPaperPaint said...

This is just wonderful! I'm so happy that it was such a huge success!
Autumn Clark

natalie said...

What a wonderful thing to be a part of! You "Indiana girls" are so special!!! xoxo Natalie