Friday, June 11, 2010

Thought for the weekend

In case you didn't see Sue's version of this a few posts ago~ check her's out as well. For now, I thought I would show you mine!

A good friend of mine and Christian Counselor commented that this is the number one problem that she sees in her office~ not her quote, but basically what she was saying. I find this to be true with myself, so when I heard this a few months back, I began to try to stay alert to the fact.........assumption kills! ....Relationships, our dreams, our very lives! And when you think about it, our wrong thought process (with assumption) usually starts out with the word "they"....... what we assume about others is a killer!! We truely don't know about "they"~ Not even some of our dear friends, even siblings! They don't know your internal full story either. So then, what do we do when others are assuming things about us too? We remember our confidence in who we are, in what we know and how we've grown and what we've worked hard for and continue to that other's might not see. Don't look around and ask for it either~ other's opinions of me are not my strength, nor yours. And maybe you looked past the word's ASSUMPTUON KILLS in the picture above and saw one of my very favorites.......Jeremiah 29:11. And back to that Sweet Sue ~ she reminded me of that truth that I only play to "an audience of one". I love to think about the fact that God knows me full well and never ever has to assume anything about me and has great plans for me even! You too!
Such peace! I hope that for you too today, and all weekend long girlfriends! XO

1 comment:

Sue@MyArtsDesire said...

That, my dear, is a post loaded with wisdom. Just pondering the trouble "Assumption" often causes is something to chew on for quite some time. Of course, I love your new word art. I'm tickled if I inspired you even a teenie-weenie bit....just think, now we both have "killer" words hanging around!