Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Note to self: Be patient! I am a work in progress for sure. Just be on the journey......I tell myself. Enjoy the ride this week my friends! The colors here on these art journal pages are so fun to me right now. I noticed that ocean yummy aqua teal or whatever you call it out on the mall this weekend. That and plum. My two favorites!! Oh wait, I love pink and green too............like I said......a work in progress!


Shelley in SC said...

Love the colors! So beautiful. And the bird perched amid the reminder that it HIS work, not mine.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to seeing you in the morning and catching up! I'm enjoying reading your posts, but nothing is better than spending time in your presence!!!

Cherie Wilson said...

I just had to respond to that one! How humbling sweet Steph! But me thinks that your company is so divine!!
Yes, In the morning.......off to draw that throne room for homework~yikes!

Cherie Wilson said...

Oh, I responded to sweet Shelley on her site. Check out this newimperfect (and proud of it) girlfriend!