Friday, February 19, 2010

Found treasures

Just wondering..............since I found these old pastels in my art stash........28 years old they are..........what is your oldest artful item? A paintbrush maybe? Something that you yourself have used. I was 17 when I purchased these. I remember thinking it was a slice of heaven to get such an array of colors. Mine all mine:) I'm so glad they still are! Just used them yesterday. Haven't used them for years, honestly. Can't wait to hear what you have!


Unknown said...

I imagine that If I dug hard enough I could find a number of Creative Memories items from the mid 90's.....

Hope Ellington said...

That is neat that you still have them! Did you buy them with your own money? I know that I have some old buttons my Gaga gave me when I was 8. She gave me my very own sewing basket for my birthday that year. I also came across a stitching that I did when I was 10 the other day. It was very important to me that I finish it...and I did. Gaga taught me how to do the hard stiches...she is one of the people who most inspired me in my art. I miss her everyday...and I know she would be so deighted in seeing all that we girls do now. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

Whosyergurl said...

Cherie, Just going back in time, getting to know you...I've been amazed at the things I've found in my desk (some, my daughter's) grandma' finds. Since I began my artful journey about a year and a half ago, I still have not made it to my sewing basket. I know there are some fun things to be found, there!
Hugs, Cheryl